How to create custom dashboards in appdynamics
dashboard is a read-only feature so that no one can edit your dashboards except
Custom dashboard is one of the most
imperative features of appdynamics. It allows you to arrange the performance
metrics in the central dashboard.
For a performance test engineer, custom
dashboards play an important role during load testing and analysis. We can monitor all the performance metrics like CPU, Memory, thread pool, connection
pool, and other important counters during the test.
Steps to create custom dashboards in
- Click on the "Dashboards and Reports" tab.
- Click on "+ Create Dashboard" Button.
- Give a meaningful name to your dashboard. In our case, we are giving it as “Server Metrics”.
- Click on “+” Add widget button to add a widget in a dashboard.
- Select the type of the graph you want to create, In our case, we are selecting it to “Time Series Graph”.
- Give a meaningful title to your graph. We will create a graph of heap utilization and hence we are giving it name as “Heap Utilization”
- Now it’s time to select the data which you want to show in your graphs. Click on the “+” sign under the data section.
- Select your application name in "Data Source" dropdown.
- Select the metric which you want to show in your dashboard, there are several metric options. Since we want to create the dashboard for Heap utilization, We will select the “Tier/Node Health- Hardware, JVM, CLR ” option.
- Next item is to select the metric value. Select "single metric" radio button and click on "select a metric" button.
- Select “Heap Utilization %” under JVM.
- Now click on "Save" button and your dashboard is ready.
- You can add multiple widgets in a single dashboard by click on "add widget" button. All the graphs will be added to a single dashboard which is very helpful for monitoring and analysis purposes.
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